• Kemp House, 152 - 160, City Road London EC1V 2NX*
  • +44 300 365 3050
  • Kemp House, 160, City Road London EC1V 2NX
  • +44 300 365 3050

Call for abstracts for Teso conference

Teso faces many development problems. The main problem in the region is the high rates of poverty. In education, 34% of people cannot read or write. In health, Teso lacks 40% of the health workers required to provide good health services as per national standards. In livelihoods, 91% of households are relying on agriculture, a means of livelihood that is dependent on unpredictable factors.

Despite the multiple development problems facing the region, there is no harmonized agenda to tackle them. It is for this reason that Iteso Welfare Association (IWA) UK has organized this conference to explore concerted ways and means to contribute to addressing these problems and to advance Teso socially, economically, technologically, and scientifically. The conference will take place on 18th–23rd September 2017 at the University of East London, UK.

The theme of the conference is: Teso: Past, Present, and Future. The Conference will discuss Teso’s development in the past, discuss the current development trends in the region and chat Teso’s development in the future. This theme is in line with the goal and objectives of the conference.

The goal of this conference in to foster a united approach to identifying and prioritising problems affecting Teso, and identifying and prioritising strategies to tackling them, and to identify and mobilise international opportunities and resources to solve the problems facing Teso region.  The specific objectives of the conference are:

  1. To discuss the challenges of development in Teso and to generate strategies to solve them;
  2. To identify international opportunities for solving the problems of development facing Teso;
  3. To bring Iteso and friends of Teso together to network, promote unity and cooperation in solving the challenges in Teso.
  4. To promote innovation and enterprise through study tours to various UK institutions (e.g. schools, hospitals), factories, farms, and businesses.

We are calling for abstracts of papers to be presented at the conference. The abstracts should be in line with the theme of the conference and should fall under any of these themes or topics.

  1. Economic issues – poverty, business, & investment.
  2. Agricultural issues – production, processing and marketing, & livelihoods.
  3. Education issues – pre and primary education, secondary education, & tertiary education.
  4. Health issues – primary health, secondary health, & tertiary health.
  5. Environmental issues – environmental conservation & natural resource management.
  6. Infrastructure and construction issues – transport infrastructure & construction issues.
  7. Women and gender issues – women’s rights, violence against women & human rights.
  8. Institutional issues – management and leadership, services delivery, corruption, ethics etc.
  9. Other issues – culture and development, religion and development, politics and development, and young people and development.

The abstract should: 1. emphasise practical experience and solutions; 2. be maximum 250 words long; and 3. should follow the following format.

  1. Title of abstract
  2. Problem or issue to be discussed
  3. Methods or approaches used
  4. Results from the approaches
  5. Recommendations

An author should include their profile statement of maximum 50 words long to be included in the conference book. Abstracts should be submitted online at IWA UK website by 17th March, 2017. Early submissions are encouraged.

Iteso Welfare Association (IWA) UK | Kemp House, 152 City Road, London | EC1V 2NX. United Kingdom | E: TDIC@iwa-uk.org.uk | Tell: +4430 0365 3050