• Kemp House, 152 - 160, City Road London EC1V 2NX*
  • +44 300 365 3050
  • Kemp House, 160, City Road London EC1V 2NX
  • +44 300 365 3050

Amalan Ateker

Iteso Welfare Association UK, recently convened a meeting to elect among its members leaders to run our association which is due to celebrate 25 years of community spirit. Sharing a common heritage and dreaming of a better future! On behalf of the newly elected board of trustees I would like to say what an enormous privilege and honor to be yet again be trusted with leading Iteso Welfare Association UK, at a time when funding to support communities is fast disappearing due to government cut backs and changing priorities in the donor community. The last 13 months demonstrated we are capable of working together for common purposes.

As the Association is professionalizing, our new constitution and new organisational structure requires that we keep a register of our members. The Association belongs to the members. We as your leaders are encouraging active membership and ownership. Your participation will stabilize the association and increase the income base to advance our charitable objectives. Most importantly let us embrace each other in the spirit of love. We will not only celebrate 25 years in October 2016, but our passion and collective responsibility is about a better future! We shall soon be advertising the role of Executive director to lead the newly established IWA UK Secretariat.

We as the leadership team aim to be better prepared going forward to the next 25 years. We implore you to positively impact lives, and support the association considering we are increasingly serving vulnerable groups, individuals and families. You can do this by paying your annual subscription of £30 at the very least on time IWA (UK) CAF Bank sort Code:40-52-40 Account number: 00010226.

Our website is currently being re-branded we will be using the website to keep in touch with our members. Feel free to find us and like us on Facebook. You are welcome to join our community forum on Whatsapp called Airiamet.

Once again allow me to introduce the IWA (UK) leadership team;

Chairperson: Martin Osengor
Vice chairperson: Alexandra Akutwi
Honorary Secretary: Susan Butler
Honorary Treasurer: Paul Egaru
Trustee: Paul Eganda
Trustee: Mrs Beatrice Okwalinga
Trustee: Joseph Onyait

Last but not least; I would like to thank the outgoing board of trustees led by Dr Patrick Igulot for a job well done!

We endeavour to build bridges to ensure the community unites and prospers. “Aimorikikina eduki Ateker” Unity builds nations

Yours sincerely

Martin Osengor
Chairperson Board of Trustees