• Kemp House, 152 - 160, City Road London EC1V 2NX*
  • +44 300 365 3050
  • Kemp House, 160, City Road London EC1V 2NX
  • +44 300 365 3050

Annual General Meeting 2016

As Iteso Welfare Association (UK) is about to turn 25 years in October 2016.
The association opens a new chapter with lots of changes taking shape. The first of those changes took shape during the Annual General Meeting held on 30th July 2016 at St Barnabas Church in Homerton Hackney London E9 6DL. With the highest attendance ever at an annual general meeting, threefold the number of people who attended the last AGM on 27th June 2015.

The AGM:
1. Adopted the Annual Report of Trustees for the period ending 31st March, 2016.
2. Adopted the Audited Annual Financial Report and Statement of Accounts for the period ending 31st March, 2016.
3. Adopted a revised constitution for IWA (UK) 30 July 2016.
4. Appointed R and M Business and Financial Services Auditors for IWA (UK)
5. Adopted a 5-year strategic plan for the period 2006–2020, Vision (2020) pending minor amendments.
6. Elected a new Board of Trustees in a transparent, free and fair secret ballot, comprising:
1. Martin Osengor : Chairperson
2. Alexandra Akutwi : Vice Chairperson
3. Paul Egaru : Honorary Treasurer
4. Susan Butler : Honarary Secretary
5. Paul Eganda : Trustee
6. Beatrice Okwalinga : Trustee
7. Joseph Onyait : Trustee

The new management (tier) IWA (UK) will manage the day to day affairs of the Association. The following positions need to be advertised:
1. Executive Director
2. Project Coordinator
3. Finance and Administration Officer
4. Coordinator, Welfare
5. Coordinator, Health
6. Coordinator, Education
7. Coordinator, Communications/ ICT
8. Coordinator, Culture
9. Coordinator, Children and Youth Affairs.
10. Coordinator, International Development

The new board of trustees wish to thank the outgoing board for the strong foundation laid!

1. Dr. Patrick Igulot (PHD) : Chairperson
2. Florence Labwo : Vice Chairperson
3. Paul Egaru : Treasurer
4. Mildred Olet : Secretary
5. Paul Eganda : Coordinator, International Development
6. Martin Osengor : Coordinator, Welfare and Fundraising
7. Alexandra Akutwi : Coordinator, Health
8. Daniel Outeke : Coordinator, Children and Youth Affairs
9. Beatrice Akello Aide : Secretary, Mobilization
10. George Agiru : Coordinator, Communications
11. Damallie Oluka : Member
12. Beatrice Okwalinga : Member

The new Board of trustees will endeavor to continue with the global outlook, with IWA (UK) playing a central role in inspiring, nurturing and harnessing the global zeal and great potential for Iteso to self-actualize and foster the development of the Teso region. On behalf of the New Board of Trustees I would like to thank the members for the support and for the faith  you have in my team. We shall put the needs of our members and beneficiaries at the centre of our work.