• Kemp House, 152 - 160, City Road London EC1V 2NX*
  • +44 300 365 3050
  • Kemp House, 160, City Road London EC1V 2NX
  • +44 300 365 3050

Guidelines for Speakers during Teso Conference

The Conference is free to attend and will take place at the University of East London, London, United Kingdom, Stratford Campus, Water Lane, London. E15 4LZ, United Kingdom.


  • Monday 18th September, 2017, conference sessions and exhibition.
  • Tuesday 19th September, 2017, conference sessions and exhibition.
  • Wednesday 20th September, learning tour of Vicarage Primary School and University of East London.
  • Thursday 21st September, 2017, learning tour of Alvan Blanch Agro-manufacturing Factory at Swindon.
  • Friday 22nd September, 2017, learning tour of Baking Factory in East London.
  • Friday 22nd September, 2017, dinner at Royal Regency Hotel. Address: 501, High Street North, Manor Park, London. E12 6 TH, United Kingdom.
  • Saturday 23rd September, 2017, The Emorimor will be hosted at Milton Keynes near London. Other delegates will have a social tour of London.
  • Sunday 24th September, 2017, The Emorimor will be hosted at Weymouth by the Mayor of Dorset County.


  • Presenters should submit their brief profile information and photo as soon as possible.
  • All presenters should submit their presentation by Monday 11th September, 2017. Presentations received after this date will not be accepted.
  • All presentations must be written, uploaded in advance and presented in PowerPoint.
  • All presentations except from Key Note Speakers should be 10–15 slides.
  • Key Note Speakers will speak for 30 minutes. All other presenters will speak for 20 minutes.
  • Discussion will be after every group sessions (about 4 sessions).
  • The full conference programme will be issued.
  • All delegates need to register to attend the conference. To register, please go here. Registration takes 1 minute.


  • The conference hall has uninterruptible supply of electricity and purpose fitted lighting.
  • The conference hall is fitted with state of the art audio-visual conferencing facilities including computer, LCD Projector and projector screen, overhead projector, sound system, viewing screens, and microphones.
  • In addition, the conference hall is fitted with ultra-comfortable chairs and tables, air conditioning, and free wireless internet connection.
  • The conference will have photographic and video coverage and will be transmitted live online.

Please email your presentation to tdic@iwa-uk.org,uk. Our telephone is +4430 0365 3050. For more information about the conference, please visit https://www.iwa-uk.org.uk/category/teso-conference/.

Contact person: Dr. Patrick Igulot | Executive Director, IWA UK.