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  • Kemp House, 160, City Road London EC1V 2NX
  • +44 300 365 3050

IWA UK AGM and appointment of ICU ambassadors for the UK

His Highness Lokaibuses, Emorimor Papa Iteso, Augustine Lemukol Osuban has appointed Mr Okwalinga Michael Emokol and Mr Emong Solomon as Iteso Cultural Union (ICU) ambassadors in the United Kingdom (UK). The two new ambassadors have also been appointed chiefs of their clans. The appointments were announced by Papa Emorimor on a live telephone call that he made from Uganda to Iteso Welfare Association Annual General Meeting that was held in London on Saturday 13th May.

Emorimor said that the ICU ambassadors in the UK shall report the Prime Minister of Iteso Cultural monarchy in accordance to the constitution of ICU and the Republic of Uganda Constitution’s provision on the operations of cultural institutions.

The ICU ambassadors will among other duties, mobilise Iteso in Diaspora; promote Iteso cultural heritage and mobilise support for the construction of ICU Palace. They are also charged with attracting investment to Teso Uganda and Kenya, and promoting health, education, agriculture, technology and trade for the benefit of Iteso people in Uganda and Diaspora.

Emorimor greeted Iteso who were present at the meeting. Mr Okwalinga Emokol who was present in person spoke with Emorimor while members present kept cheering.

In his acceptance speech, Mr Okwalinga thanked Papa Emorimor for the honour that he has bestowed to Iteso in the UK. He reminded members present that Iteso have unique values and that without those values one cannot claim to be Etesot. He appealed to Iteso in Diaspora to promote the values of Iteso.

The Master of Ceremonies Mr Paul Eganda announced that a ceremony to inaugurate Chief Okwalinga Emokol and Chief Emong will be held in Milton Keynes in July.

Meanwhile, Mr Martin Osengor was unanimously re-elected as Chairman of Iteso Welfare Association. He will be deputised by Mr Paul Egaru who has served as Treasurer for the last two years.