• Kemp House, 152 - 160, City Road London EC1V 2NX*
  • +44 300 365 3050
  • Kemp House, 160, City Road London EC1V 2NX
  • +44 300 365 3050

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Dear member, I am pleased to inform you that the First Annual General Meeting of IWA UK Incorporated Charitable Organisation (CIO) shall take place as follows:

Date:               13th May 2017

Venue:            The Foundry A Place for Change

17 Oval Way

London SE11 5RR

Time:              13:30–17:00 Hours

Chair:              Martin Osengor

Secretary:       Susan Butler

Proposed Agenda

  • Opening remarks
  • Minutes of the AGM held 30th July 2016.
  • Matters Arising
  • Trustees Annual Report
  • Consideration of Accounts ending 31st March 2017
  • Appointment of the Independent Examiner of the Accounts
  • Receive Executive Director’s Report
  • Special Resolution: Notice ‘That’ with effect from the transfer date of assets from the unincorporated CCRS (1078300) to the CCRS Charitable Incorporated Organisation (registered charity No.1170126) (“the CIO”}, CCRS appoints the CIO as its agent to collect all outstanding debts and discharge all outstanding obligations.’ Any member who wishes to raise any matter should notify the same to the Hon Secretary by no later than 29th April 2017. This notice supersedes the notice published prior to the 2016 Annual General Meeting.

Notes. No other notice of this meeting will be issued. Those intending to attend should confirm attendance with the Hon. Secretary for planning purposes.

  • Election of trustees
  • Any other business

Clause 14 of IWA (UK) Constitution Appointment of Trustees

1) Elected Charity Trustees

(a) At the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members of IWA UK all the elected trustees shall retire from office. (This provision is applicable because IWA is now a CIO).

Accordingly, the following positions are vacant:

  1. Chair
  2. Vice Chair
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary
  5. 3 trustees

Please find attached:

  • Nomination Form
  • Membership Form
  • Gift Aid Form (which you can also authorise online on Just Giving at IWA UK website)

Yours sincerely,

Susan Butler

Honorary Secretary